12 Hour Standard Test

This test was designed with focus on Rate Stability over Time. The constant settings and conditions allow for easy comparison between watches.

LONG TEST Module Settings

- The integration period is set to 10 minutes.
- The test duration is set to 12 hours.
- Chart time range is set to 12 hours.
- Chart error scale is set to ±10 S/D.
- Chart error scale is set to relative mode.

Watch Preparation

- The watch is fully wound. Depending on movement specifications, this could mean 50+ full turns.
- Watch time is advanced to 5:00 AM, just after the day/date complications have switched to a new day (*).
- The watch is put in test position, with the microphone arranged so that a strong signal is being picked up.
- The watch is left untouched for one hour, giving it time to settle down and temper.
- The test is then started at 6:00 AM watch time.

* This allows for the hour hand to complete one full turn, without the test being affected by day/date complications.

For Comparison and Benchmarks

- The tests are conducted at controlled temperature.
- The tests are conducted in two positions: Horizontal (Dial Up) and Vertical (Crown Down)
- Three test runs are done in each position, and the results are recorded and averaged.
- For watches with day/date complications, tests are always started at Mon, 1st, 6AM watch time.
- A video timelapse is recorded with a timegrapher device in the background.

TBA: links to the watch test channel

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